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Adam & Suzie Hailes

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Look at a map of Africa, on the lower right side, and you’ll see
an island. That’s Madagascar. And that’s where we will focus
our prayer time today.

That’s where our missionaries, Adam and Suzie Hailes, serve.
About 27 million people live on this island, so it’s a big mission
field. But now, more and more people are turning to Christ.
Biggest reason: the changed lives of those who follow Christ.

People in other parts of the island have actually been coming
to see what is happening. One day a man who was a bandit
walked into the town where Adam and Suzie work – he asked
who could tell him about Jesus.

A local believer talked with him, then went home with him to
share the gospel with other bandits. Over time, that bandit who
looked for Jesus found Him, and he became a follower.

Now that converted bandit tells people about Jesus. He once
took life; now he tells people how to have life eternal!

Because of our church’s gifts through the Cooperative Program,
the area where the converted bandits live now has nine churches!
Let’s ask God to bless Adam and Suzie and continue this revival
– one person, one village, at a time!