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Resolution On World Hunger

WHEREAS, Hunger and malnutrition kill or maim hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children every year, and

WHEREAS, The biblical mandate to feed the hungry is clear, and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists historically have responded to the needs of hungry people at home and abroad,

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we strongly encourage Southern Baptist churches to observe World Hunger Day on Wednesday, August 2, 1978, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we strongly encourage Southern Baptists to participate in the World Hunger Conference at Ridgecrest, November 20-22, 1978 and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge Southern Baptists to critically evaluate their life-styles in light of the teachings of the Bible, to contribute generously and regularly through the Foreign Mission Board’s Hunger Relief Fund, and to exercise responsible and vigorous Christian citizenship on behalf of the hungry people of the world.