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Resolution On White House Conference On Family Life

WHEREAS, The nation and church are only as strong as the family, and

WHEREAS, We face a critical time in the United States as to the future of the family, and

WHEREAS, The attention of the nation is now focused on the status of the family,

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we applaud the President’s concern for the family as expressed in his support of a White House Conference on Families, December 9-13, 1979, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge the President to see that needed direction is given to this Conference to insure that the Conference focuses on the strengths of the family rather than so-called alternatives to the family, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we suggest that the Conference notes carefully the impact on families of proposed federal legislation, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we call on the Conference to give attention to the importance of economic security to all families, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That this Convention requests the White House Conference to issue a call to the private sector to re-order its priorities in light of the needs of the family.