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Resolution On Students And Missions

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has committed itself to an ambitious Bold Mission campaign which calls for us to help every person in the world to hear the gospel by the year 2000, and

WHEREAS, The Convention has requested its churches to seek out the called and support 1,000 additional career missionaries by 1982, and

WHEREAS, Many of those who will respond to God’s call to mission service in the next few years are now students in colleges, universities, and seminaries across the United States, and

WHEREAS, Several agencies of the Convention are concerned about keeping these students informed about the needs and opportunities in Southern Baptist mission work,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Houston, June 12-14, 1979, commend to our college and seminary students the Student Conference on World Missions meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, at the Opryland Hotel December 27-31, 1979, and urge them to attend this nation-wide meeting being sponsored by National Student Ministries supported strongly by the Foreign Mission Board, Home Mission Board, Woman’s Missionary Union, and the Brotherhood Commission.