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Resolution On Race

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are aware of many areas of tension and misunderstanding between racial groups in our nation, and

WHEREAS, We realize that economic, social, and educational conditions make these problems more serious, and

WHEREAS, We recognize that militant extremists of whatever race do not speak or act for the vast majority of that racial group, and

WHEREAS, We reaffirm our responsibility as Christians to build bridges of good will on foundations of justice;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we express gratitude to God for the progress being made in an increasing number of our churches where persons of other races are welcomed into all areas of church life and fellowship, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we recognize with thanksgiving the growing cooperation between Baptist groups of differing races at the local, associational, state, and national levels, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That as Christians we more diligently seek to cultivate good relationships between individuals and groups who differ racially from us through joint projects for human betterment and Christian witness in church and community, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we seek to be open to communication with those who differ from us, and work redemptively with them in the spirit of Christ for all good causes, private and public, which strengthen justice, reduce suffering, and enhance freedom.