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Resolution On Pro-life Actions Of Sbc Agencies

WHEREAS, Abortion on demand was legalized by the United States Supreme Court on January 22, 1973; and

WHEREAS, Over 22 million innocent unborn American children have died by legalized abortion since that date; and

WHEREAS, Most Southern Baptist church members are firmly opposed to the aforementioned Supreme Court decision, understanding that that which is legal in this case is not moral; and

WHEREAS, The trustees of the Home Mission Board have created a staff position of Coordinator of Alternatives to Abortion Ministries to help Southern Baptists devleop ministries of Abortion Alternatives Outreach; and

WHEREAS, The trustees of the Christian Life Commission have adopted a firm policy opposing abortion except to prevent the death of the mother, which policy states, in part, that “Human life, from fertilization until natural death, is sacred and should be protected, not destroyed”; and

WHEREAS, The trustees of the Sunday School Board have adopted a plan to publish annual, dated lessons opposing abortion on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in San Antonio, Texas, June 14-16, 1988, express our appreciation to the trustees of the Home Mission Board, the Christian Life Commission, and the Sunday School Board; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we call upon all Southern Baptists to take an active stand in support of the sanctity of human life.