WHEREAS, 1988-89 is the Year of the Laity in Evangelism and Discipleship, sponsored by the Brotherhood Commission, Home Mission Board, and Woman’s Missionary Union; and
WHEREAS, Market Place Evangelism and Market Place Ministry are major emphases of the Brotherhood Commission and Home Mission Board in 1990-91; and
WHEREAS, Bold Mission Thrust is focused on world evangelization by the year 2000; and
WHEREAS, Many countries of the world are closed to traditional missions approaches while remaining open to the influence of the people of God as they practice their vocational skills in said countries; and
WHEREAS, All believers in Jesus Christ are called to salvation, sanctification, and service and are gifted for ministry to accomplish the work of God throughout the world;
Be it therefore RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 13-15, 1989, encourage the people of God to exercise their gifts in the personal ministries to which God has called them.
Be it further RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention reaffirm Article 6 of the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message concerning “The Church,” especially the words which read that the church is believers “exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. This church is an autonomous body, operating through democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In such a congregation members are equally responsible.”
Be it finally RESOLVED, That the people of God join hands and hearts in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world, recognizing that no single group of believers can do it alone.