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Resolution On Peace

During the present year Baptist colleges have taken the lead under the direction of the Education Commission in assembling and transmitting information on problems of war and peace. The Southern Baptist Convention last year in the annual meeting at San Antonio, Texas, adopted the following resolution (note change in paragraph five in both Resolutions):


WHEREAS, Southern Baptists as loyal citizens of the United States are cooperating and participating in all branches of the present war, including the Army, the Navy, and the Air Corps, and

WHEREAS, The prosecution of the war for the maintenance, perpetuation and extension of our four freedoms, well known and enjoyed by American citizens in our constitutional democracy, may not accomplish the purposes for which it is fought unless a just and righteous peace follows the termination of the war, and

WHEREAS, It will be too late to make plans for a lasting peace if constructive and comprehensive plans are delayed until the conclusion of the war, and

WHEREAS, Our Baptist colleges and universities have on their faculties a number of renowned scholars in the fields of knowledge utterly necessary for making a worthy peace, and

WHEREAS, Three American statesmen who are in the highest ranking positions as chairmen of committees in the United States Senate, the treaty determining body of our Federal Government, Senator Tom Connally of Texas, Senator Walter F. George of Georgia, and Senator Josiah W. Bailey of North Carolina, being chairmen respectively of the Foreign Relations Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Commerce Committee, are graduates of our Baptist universities, Senator Connally of Baylor University, Senator George of Mercer University, and Senator Bailey of Wake Forest College,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the convention request the Education Commission to procure, assemble and transmit to our own three Christian statesmen a body of facts and principles involved in a Christian peace with the earnest hope that these facts and principles may be used in planning the new world order which may be in accordance with the sovereign will of God so that the paths of all mankind may ultimately be paths of peace.


WHEREAS, Southern Baptists as loyal citizens of the United States are cooperating and participating in all branches of the present war, including the Army, the Navy and the Air Corps, and

WHEREAS, The prosecution of the war for the maintenance, perpetuation and extension of the four freedoms, well known and enjoyed by American citizens in our Constitutional Democracy, may not accomplish the purposes for which it is fought, unless a just and righteous peace follows the termination of the war, and

WHEREAS, It is too late to make plans for a lasting peace if constructive and comprehensive plans are delayed until the conclusion of the war, and

WHEREAS, Our Baptist Colleges and Universities have on their faculties a number of renowned scholars in the fields of knowledge utterly necessary for making a worthy peace, and,

WHEREAS, The two American Statesmen who are in the highest ranking positions in the United States Senate, the treaty determining body of our Federal Government, Senator Tom Connally of Texas and Senator Walter F. George of Georgia, being chairmen respectively of the Foreign Relations Committee and the Finance Committee, are both graduates of our Baptist Universities, Senator Connally of Baylor University and Senator George of Mercer University.

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Convention request the Education Commission to procure, assemble and transmit to our own two Christian Statesmen, and their colleagues, a body of facts and principles involved in a Christian peace with the earnest hope that these facts and principles may be used in planning the new world order which may be in accordance with the Sovereign will of God, so that the paths of all mankind may ultimately be the paths of peace.