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Resolution On Education

WHEREAS, Present social, economic, and political conditions and problems are in a chaotic state, in this country and throughout the world; and

WHEREAS, The absolute need for Christian education in established Christian Schools and Colleges has never been more acute than now; and

WHEREAS, Further delay on the part of the Southern Baptist Convention in taking vigorous and effective action in the interest of Baptist Schools and Colleges in the South seems suicidal; and

WHEREAS, We believe that Christian Education is basic and fundamental to New Testament Christianity in the spirit of the Great Commission; and

WHEREAS, The Convention is now making no provision for fostering Baptist Schools and Colleges in our midst; and

WHEREAS, We must look to these Baptist Schools and Colleges for Baptist leadership in Christian Education;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we recommend to the Southern Baptist Convention the early appointment and provision for the support of a full-time Christian Education Secretary following the 1936 Convention Sessions.