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Resolution On Doctrinal Integrity

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists cherish our abiding conviction that the Bible is a perfect treasure of divine instruction which has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter, and

WHEREAS, We believe freedom should be balanced with responsibility and doctrinal integrity, and

WHEREAS, We acknowledge not only the right but the responsibility of this Convention to give explicit guidelines to the governing bodies of our various institutions,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention express its profound appreciation to the staff and faculty members of our seminaries and other institutions who have persistently and sacrificially taught the truth with love–enriching our appreciation for the Bible as God’s Holy Word and enhancing our ministry in Christ’s name, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we exhort the trustees of seminaries and other institutions affiliated with or supported by the Southern Baptist Convention to faithfully discharge their responsibility to carefully preserve the doctrinal integrity of our institutions and to assure that seminaries and other institutions receiving our support only employ, and continue the employment of, faculty members and professional staff who believe in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible, infallibility of the original manuscripts, and that the Bible is truth without any error.