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Resolution On Cooperation With Other Baptists

WHEREAS, The National Convention of Colored Baptists has appointed a Committee to consider and report upon the question of establishing a Theological Seminary for the education of colored Baptist preachers; and,

WHEREAS, The negro brethren have expressed a desire for conference with and the advice and cooperation of the white Baptists of the South; and,

WHEREAS, Many brethren who have given the matter careful attention think it advisable for this Convention to pledge its sympathy and cooperation in this enterprise; therefore,

RESOLVED, That this Convention, through its President, appoint a committee of nine to advise and confer with the colored brethren on the subject, and also that we pledge ourselves, so far as we are able, that so soon as the movement has assumed definite form, we will give practical financial assistance in such ways and by such means as may be determined upon hereafter.

RESOLVED FURTHER, That this Committee be instructed to report upon this matter at the next annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.