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Resolution On Cooperation With Other Baptists

Responding to the greeting of the Council of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland.

RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention has received with great pleasure the salutation of the Council of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland presented by the Rev. J. H. Shakespeare, M.A.; the Convention has joyfully responded to his appeal in behalf of the visit of the Continental Baptists to the meeting of the Baptist World Alliance in Philadelphia, in 1911; we wish to express the gratification that the visit and addresses of our distinguished brethren, Shakespeare and Meyer, have given us; they have brought us new conceptions of our responsibility to Europe, and of the kinship of Baptists all over the world; we send our cordial greeting in the Lord Jesus, to our brethren over sea, and wish to congratulate them on the brave stand that they have taken for liberty in religion; we look forward with much satisfaction to the coming in large numbers of our brethren from Great Britain and all the world in 1911, and pray for the progress of the Baptist cause in Great Britain and the rest of Europe.