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Resolution On Concern For Families

WHEREAS, Because social circumstances, increased divorce rates, and ease of travel and movement have caused a decline and disruption of family relationships and mutual support among family members, and

WHEREAS, Because of the decline and disruption there is a loss of strong, positive examples and role models in many families and

WHEREAS, There is a tendency to rely on social and government programs to fill needs resulting from a weakening and loss of historic family relationships, and

WHEREAS, Christians can fill voids, and express the love of Jesus to those in need by following the admonition of the Scripture to help, comfort, and care for each other.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists, through local church congregations, be especially sensitive and responsive to the needs of each “church family” member and attempt to provide, and if necessary, be a substitute for needed family relationships often missing among members.

Be it further RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists, by substantial expressions of love and concern for our “church family” members and those outside our immediate church family, love people as well as lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.