WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention was organized through the leadership of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of Baptists to bring the list world to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, The Cooperative Program is a vital method which enables Southern Baptist churches to work together and meaningfully demonstrates the value of cooperative endeavors.
Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention assembled in Dallas, Texas, June 11-13, 1985, give praise to God on this 60th anniversary of the Cooperative Program; and
Be it further RESOLVED, That all Southern Baptists be requested to pray for the continued leadership of our Lord in the administration of the Cooperative Program; and
Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge our churches to educate thoroughly our members regarding the value of the Cooperative Program by conducting a study of Cooperation: The Baptist Way to a Lost World by Susan and Cecil A. Ray; and
Be it further RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention and the directors of the boards and agencies be encouraged to give high budget priority to the evangelistic and missionary tasks for which they are responsible; and
Be it further RESOLVED, That this Convention respectfully urge each Southern Baptist congregation to increase its gifts through the Cooperative Program so that together we might carry out the Great Commission; and
Be it finally RESOLVED, That each state convention consider a goal of at least a 50-50 distribution of Cooperative Program funds of state convention and Southern Baptist Convention causes.