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Vesta Sauter

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Vesta Sauter, who is hearing but whose parents were Deaf, understands the transforming power of the Gospel in the lives of Deaf people. When she was 8 years old, her father came to faith in Christ, and through sign language, Vesta would sign stories to him from the Bible that he would share with his friends. Today Sauter and her husband lead the International Mission Board’s (IMB) work among Deaf peoples.

In 2020, Deaf people numbered nearly 70 million people around the world. Of those, 1,444 Deaf people die every day without Christ. Most Deaf people around the world have none of the Bible in their heart sign language. Deaf Pathway Global, in cooperation with the IMB, have translated Bible stories in 13 languages with more languages to come.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows the Gospel to be intentionally shared in various cultures and contexts.

Pray that the Deaf around the world will come to a saving knowledge of Christ, as well as for Deaf Christians to fulfill their missionary calling.