Among a predominately Christian population in South Asia resides an unreached Muslim people group. Despite the presence of Christ-followers in the area, many Christians are afraid to share the Gospel as they have doubts about whether Muslims will choose to follow Christ as they have historically been resistant to the Gospel.
IMB workers Ralph and Lovie Adair*, along with their team, seek to embolden and equip local Christians to share the Gospel with their Muslim neighbors. They diligently look for native-speaking Christians who are willing to learn how to effectively share the Gospel. During ministry training events, the couple models evangelism and one-on-one discipleship. Participants have a chance to put their training into practice by going out into the community to share.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (CP) is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support of both CP and THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING provides the Adairs with the tools they need to train local believers to share the Gospel among their community.
PRAY for the Adairs as they share the Gospel and train local Christians to do the same. Ask the Lord to embolden local Christians to share the truth with this unreached people group.
*Names changed for security