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Larry Pepper

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Today we’re going to pray for Larry Pepper, who’s a missionary and a physician. He and his wife, Sally, have served in Africa for more than 15 years and now he serves in a small hospital in Tanzania (say tans-ah-KNEE-ah). They are our missionaries – our church supports them through our Cooperative Program giving.

As physician, Dr. Pepper treats dozens of patients each day. Since this is Africa he sees all sorts of tropical sickness we don’t see in the U.S. The hospital runs on a shoestring budget and often runs out of supplies. Dr. Pepper also has to make sure new light bulbs are ordered and that the roof gets repaired.

Often volunteer Baptist teams come from the States and hold medical clinics in outlying villages – and they also lead evangelistic services.

When Sally asks him to bring home some meat for dinner, Dr. Pepper drives to the place where hogs are slaughtered and buys a hunk of meat. Then he takes it home and chops it up himself. Our missionaries work long hours and endure hard living so they can share the Gospel with the people of Tanzania.

Let’s pray now for Larry and Sally and thank God for their faithfulness in serving. Let’s ask God to keep them safe from harm so that thousands will come to faith in Christ.