Gatineau sits on the border between the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa is Canada’s capital city and is on the English-speaking Ontario side. Gatineau is in French-speaking Quebec. Many of the people in Gatineau work in the government in Ottawa but live in Gatineau.
To help reach the people of Gatineau, Josias and Débora Laporte planted La Chapelle Gatineau. The church is very involved in the community, providing additional volunteer labor for local organizations that need help. For example, the church recently helped repaint a women’s shelter. They also helped relocate women who needed to move from their homes and into the shelter. As they’ve served at the shelter, many of the women have asked why the church wants to help them. When that happens, church members have an opportunity to tell them about Jesus.
The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program provides opportunities for missionaries to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who feel forgotten.
Pray for the Laportes and La Chapelle Gatineau as they find new, innovative ways to minister to the people of Gatineau.