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Itamar Elizalde 

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Since 2015, Puerto Rico has been in dire economic crisis. Hurricanes Maria and Irma made the situation even worse, killing thousands and leaving many residents without power for months.  

Itamar Elizalde serves as the on-the-ground coordinator for volunteer teams that come to Puerto Rico to help with construction projects. As she helps volunteer teams serve the people of Puerto Rico, she gets many opportunities to tell people about Jesus.  

When the North American Mission Board opened an emergency food bank in Puerto Rico during the pandemic, Itamar got a call from Rosa, a woman who desperately needed food. Itamar connected Rosa to a nearby church planter who provided her with food and invited her to church. That Sunday she accepted Christ as her Savior and began being discipled.  

The Cooperative Program helps Itamar and many others provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the people in Puerto Rico while opening the door for Gospel conversations. 

Pray that God will soften the hearts of the people Itamar serves so they will be more responsive to the good news about Jesus.