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David & Julie Yngsdal

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Today in our prayer time we are going to focus on Durban, South Africa,
where our missionaries David and Julie Yngsdal serve.

A while back these veteran missionaries were asked to move to Durban
and work among the tens of thousands of refugees there. The refugees
have come here out of desperation. They have fled war and violence in
their home countries in other parts of Africa.

Every one of the refugees has had horrible experiences getting to Durban
and then surviving in a new land.

Mariam and her three children fled their home country of Burundi after
her husband was killed in the war. In Durban she and her kids nearly
starved, surviving on rotten vegetables the kids found in garbage. An
older daughter became a prostitute.

But then David and Julie used funds from Southern Baptists to help them
get an apartment and jobs to earn a living. Now they hold Bible studies
in that apartment. For Mariam, life looks good.

Our church supports David and Julie through our Cooperative Program
giving. Let’s pray for them.

Let’s pray that so many will be saved that the wars can end.