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WHEREAS, One of the very greatest obstacles in the way of the advancement of God’s kingdom in the world, both at home and abroad, is the legalized liquor traffic, ruining homes, blighting characters, blasting lives, damning souls, and neutralizing to a large extent the work of pastors and missionaries on home and foreign fields.

WHEREAS, It is a fight between the churches on one side and the liquor traffic on the other side, the churches standing for good and for God in the world, and the liquor traffic standing for evil in the world.

RESOLVED, 1. That we, the Southern Baptist Convention, representing a constituency of over 2,000,000 members, hereby declare our determined and uncompromising opposition to the liquor traffic in all of its forms;
2. That we respectfully but very earnestly request the proper officers of our national government not to issue privilege taxes for the sale of liquor where its sale is prohibited by the laws of the State:
3. That we urge our Senators and Representatives in Congress to pass some measure to prevent the shipment of liquor into dry territory;
4. That we will preach temperance, practice temperance, pray for temperance, and vote for temperance;
5. That we urge people everywhere not to vote for anyone for any office who is known to be in sympathy with the liquor traffic;
6. That we express our joy and our deep gratitude to God because of the fact that since the last meeting of this Convention the prohibition territory in the bounds of the Convention has very largely increased, and we declare our purpose as Southern Baptists, joining hands with our brethren of other denominations and with every one who loves the churches and the homes and the schools, not to cease our efforts until every vestige of this accursed liquor traffic has been entirely banished from our land;
7. That this Convention appoint a standing committee of fifteen brethren, to be known as a Committee on Temperance, whose duty it shall be to promote in every way possible the cause of temperance, until there shall not be a licensed saloon in our land, and until the whole liquor traffic shall be banished not only from our land, but from all lands;
8. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the presiding officers and chairmen of the proper committees in each branch of Congress, to the Governor of each State of the South, and that the press be requested to publish them.

RESOLVED, That it is the sense of this body that it would be most helpful to our people if the Sunday School Board would publish in tract form the address delivered by Dr. B. H. Carroll before the Convention.

RESOLVED, That the thanks of this Convention are due and are hereby cordially tendered to the officers of the Convention for faithful and efficient service; to the Baptists and citizens and hotels for hospitable entertainment to some members of the Convention, including all home and foreign missionaries, and for reduced rates to others; also to the Baptists and other denominations for the use of their houses of worship; to the bath houses for free baths, and to the various railroads for reduced rates.

WHEREAS, Since the Baptist message is the expression of fundamental and universal in the Bible, in society, in government, and in the individual life, therefore it mightily behooves the Baptists of the South to put this message before all the people in the field of their responsibility in a concrete, forcible, engaging and lasting way.