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RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Southern Baptist Convention, representing over a million and a half white Baptists in the South and a constituency of about five million people, cordially endorse the Hepburn-Dolliver bill now pending in Congress, the intention of which is to prevent the importation of intoxicating liquors into what is known as dry territory, and that we earnestly request our Senators and Representatives in Congress to vote for and use their influence in behalf of this bill.

WHEREAS, The traffic in intoxicating liquors is one of the greatest foes to the work of this Convention, both in home and foreign lands; and

WHEREAS, The Constitution of the Convention provides that it shall be the design of the Convention to promote foreign and domestic missions, and other important objects connected with the Redeemer’s kingdom,” (Art. II); and

WHEREAS, The American Anti-Saloon League, an omnipartisan, interdenominational organization, has requested the Southern Baptist Convention to appoint ten messengers to represent the Convention at the next meeting of the League in Columbus, Ohio, in November, 1904; therefore

RESOLVED, That the President of this Convention be authorized to appoint these ten messengers.