WHEREAS, Several proposals have been made in the Congress of the United States, that Federal Public Funds be granted to church-related colleges and universities for the construction of academic facilities, and
WHEREAS, Reports are now current regarding active sponsorship for proposals granting tax funds to church colleges for the construction of basic educational facilities, such as libraries, laboratories, and classrooms, and
WHEREAS, Baptists are committed to the principle of supporting taxation for public purposes, only, leaving church institutions to the voluntary support of persons desiring to participate in the support of and maintenance of those institutions; and
WHEREAS, We see in these principles the meaning of the “no establishment clause” of the first Amendment to the Federal Constitution as well as that of the “Free exercise” clause of that same amendment; it is recommended, now, therefore:
1. The Southern Baptist Convention strongly opposes all legislation, federal and state, which would provide public grants to church colleges and universities for the construction of academic facilities, and
2. That the Southern Baptist Convention inform each member of Congress of this action taken, and
3. That our messengers and members be urged to support this action by personal and group communications and other appropriate contacts with their respective congressmen and all other government officials involved.