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E. McNeill Poteat, North Carolina, offered the following amendment which was adopted:

Believing that the time has come for a more comprehensive and direct dealing with the great social issues in the South, we move that a committee be appointed to consider the advisability of creating an agency of Social Research in connection with the Social Service Commission to study these pressing social problems, and to furnish as far as possible guidance for the definite work of the Convention in this field.

1. On Memorial from Florida Convention.

RESOLVED, That no member of the Southern Baptist Convention be appointed on more than one Board, Commission, or Standing Committee.

We recognize that the interest of this resolution is to place a greater emphasis on Baptist democracy by making a greater distribution of responsibility in the work of the Convention, we therefore recommend the following:

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Committee on Committees and the Committee on Boards be instructed to make a wider distribution of the responsibilities of the work of the Convention, as to territory and personnel, so far as this may be done without injury to the agencies that are to be served.

2. On Resolution as to day of the week of Convention meeting.

Your Committee recommends that the Convention begin its annual meeting on Wednesday evening after the second Sunday of May, the hour to be determined by the Committee on Order of Business. This action takes precedence over all former action taken by this Convention regarding time of meeting.

3. On Resolution as to the use of the Radio in the interest of the work of the Convention.

We recommend that the Executive Committee give careful consideration to the advantages to be derived from the use of the Radio in promoting our work and make such recommendations as may seem wise to the agencies of the Convention.

6. Resolution regarding an appeal to the Federal Radio Commission in behalf of the wave length now used by KWKH be granted to the International Broadcasting Corporation of Shreveport, La., as prayed for rather than to Loyola University of the W. W. L. Development Co., of New Orleans.

Your Committee recommends the adoption of this resolution. The Shreveport station has been a mighty force in the dissemination of information and inspiration regarding the program of the missionary work carried on by the Southern Baptist Convention.