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Resolved, That the Committee appointed to convey the greetings of the Southern Baptist Convention to the honored President of the United States be directed to assure the President of the support of our Baptist people in his earnest efforts to relieve the distress of millions of men now without employment by which they can earn an honest living for their families. The Committee is also requested to express to President Roosevelt our cordial support of his noble appeal to the rulers of all nations to maintain peace and to frown upon aggression on the part of any nation against another nation.

The Committee is instructed to inform our President that we deplore the return of the legalized sale of beer and wine and that we would regard the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment as a calamity to our nation. We believe that Prohibition at its worst is better than the legalized sale of intoxicating liquor for beverage purposes at its best. We earnestly request President Roosevelt to refrain from active participation in the movement to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment. The Committee is further authorized to assure our noble President of our most earnest prayer to Almighty God for his blessing upon the Chief Executive and his advisers and upon the Congress.


5. (a) That we assure the President of our every good wish both for him personally and for the highest and best success of his administration and of our earnest prayers that God may give him wisdom and strength for this taxing duties:

(b) That we heartily commend the efforts of the President for the solution of our economic problems and for International understanding and good will.

(c) That we deeply regret and earnestly deplore the fact that the President has used the influence and power of his office for the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution, and, pending efforts for repeal, for the legalization of the manufacture and sale of beer; and especially that he has allowed the White House to be used to advertise the beer business much to the discredit of his administration and much to the pain and sorrow of a large element, we believe a majority, of American citizens.