1. That we commend the President of the United States for calling the Peace Conference at Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1-23, 1936, and upon the good work accomplished in that conference, for which he deserves much of the credit.
2. That we believe that the great world powers having outlawed war by treaty and having committed themselves to the policy of the peaceful settlement of all international disagreements can and ought to find solution of all their problems without the arbitrament of arms.
3. As citizens of the United States we will do everything possible to keep our nation out of war, and we reaffirm our opposition to all aggressive war at home or abroad.
WHEREAS, We recognize the wide gulf existing between the varied practices of our modern society and the principles of Christianity;
AND WHEREAS, We feel a deep sense of shame that many of these sins and problems exist because of our indifference to them;
AND WHEREAS, We believe that a firm stand expressing our conviction and willingness to act will do much to eradicate some of these evils; therefore, be it
A. International Relationships;
1. We recognize that a warless world is the Christian ideal and that we Christians should throw all our weight and power into the balance for peace.
2. That we petition the President of the United States to consider the advisability of calling a conference of world powers to consider the possibility of disarmament, believing that this would do much to relieve strained international relationships which are endangering world peace at the present time.
3. That a formal letter of gratitude be sent to General and Madam Chiang Kai-Shek, expressing to them and the people of the Chinese Republic our deep appreciation for their recent gift to the flood sufferers of this country which we believe to have been a splendid expression of Christian fraternalism.
B. Labor and Agriculture;
We deplore all intolerable conditions wherein economic injustice or industrial inhumanity burdens any group of our fellow human beings with poverty, with low standards of living and inequality.
C. Racial;
As a body of Christians we deplore the unchristian practices so widely prevalent in many of our racial relationships.