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Resolutions Concerning The Liquor Flood

Be it resolved by the Southern Baptist Convention in annual session assembled:
1. That we hereby give renewed expression to our intense hatred of alcoholic drinks in all forms at all times and in all places, and that we urge upon our people the duty and obligation of total abstinence on their part and the support of every public measure which has for its purpose the reduction and the abolition of the legalized traffic in alcoholic beverages, whatever their form and whatever their alcoholic content.

2. That at the present time of national and world crisis we regard the relation of the drink evil to the matter of national defense as the most acute and urgent phase of this evil.

3. That we deprecate the conditions developing around the military camps with respect to vice and alcoholic beverages, and pledge our cooperation to aid in the creation of a better environment and the establishment of more adequate recreational facilities in the vicinity of military and naval posts.

4. That we urge the President of the United States as Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy to use the great influence and powers of his office to enlist the cooperation of state and local officials to take such action as will protect our military and naval trainees from exploitation in the vicinity of army and naval establishments, and pledge our co-operation in such efforts.

5. That we believe it to be the duty of the loyal citizens in such a time of national crisis to bring to the attention of the President of the United States, to the Governors of the several states, and to the law enforcement agencies the activities of those who would exploit the defenders of our country for profit.

6. That we urge the Congress to enact such legislation as may be appropriate under our present peace-time status for the protection of our military and naval services from the effects of vice and liquor.

7. That we heartily approve of the Sheppard Bill, known as S. 860, and urge upon Congress the importance of its prompt enactment; that our pastors and people be urged to appeal to their Senators and Representatives in behalf of the enactment of this bill.

8. That we express our belief and conviction that all liquor advertisements should be suppressed by appropriate legislation, both by the Federal Congress, and the State Legislatures. That in particular we approve the Johnson Bill, known as S. 517, and the Capper Bill, known as S. 575, and urge upon Congress the importance of their enactment. We would also recommend to our Baptist people that they appeal to their Senators and Representatives in behalf of the enactment of these two bills.