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Resolutionon Appreciation

The Southern Baptist Convention in its 124th session meeting in Los Angeles, California, June 9-11, 1981, expresses grateful appreciation to the citizens of Los Angeles for the hospitality extended to the messengers of the Convention.

We acknowledge our debt of gratitude to the Southern Baptist General Convention of California, the Baptists of the Los Angeles area, and the local committees for many courtesies, accommodations, and services that have facilitated our Convention in this great western city.

We extend a special thanks to the press, radio, and television for their coverage of the sessions and other pertinent activities of the Convention.

We commend the officers of the Convention, President Bailey E. Smith and Vice-Presidents Jack R. Taylor and C. Wade Freeman for their fair, knowledgeable, and patient guidance.

We also express our appreciation to the Committee on Order of Business for arranging and conducting an open, informative, and stimulating program.

We offer our profound gratitude to all of these who have contributed so much to the spirit and effective operation of this, our 124th annual session.