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Resolution Providing For Continuation Of Our Southwide Evangelistic Program

WHEREAS, The special evangelistic emphasis for 1939, authorized by the Southern Baptist Convention, at Richmond, Virginia, in 1938, has gained such victorious results already, and

WHEREAS, The full result of so wide-spread and so far-reaching a movement cannot be felt within one year’s time,


1. That the special evangelistic emphasis be continued, enlarged, and intensified throughout the year of 1940, and

2. That Dr. L. R. Scarborough, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Dr. Roland Q. Leavell, Superintendent of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board, be reappointed as co-leaders of the movement, and that the co-leaders be authorized to appoint such committees as they may deem advisable to work with them in the formulation and promotion of their work, and

3. That the co-leaders be authorized to call a meeting of their committees, of the leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, Boards and Institutions, the editors, the state mission secretaries and evangelistic leaders of the various states, at such time and place as in their judgment seems wise.