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Resolution Petitioning The Department Of State Of The United States

The Southern Baptist Convention, in session this the 17th day of May, 1946, at Miami, Florida, respectfully and earnestly petitions the Department of State of the United States to insist upon the inclusion in treaties of peace with Italy, the Balkans, and all other European countries, as well as Japan, of adequate safe-guards for religious liberty–such liberty to be defined as including not alone tolerated worship for all persons, but the right to conduct missions, to hold property dedicated to religious uses, to establish schools and printing presses, and to exercise civil rights without discrimination on grounds of religious faith.

And further, we respectfully and earnestly petition the Department of State to insist upon religious liberty in the full sense of the fore-going paragraph for all persons of all faiths in countries where we are not for the moment making treaties, but where this cherished principle is definitely jeopardized, as, for example, Spain.
Louie D. Newton

That the Committee on Public Relations be requested to list, with a brief explanation, any and all proposals now officially before Congress, and all executive actions, orders or directives now in effect, that violate the letter and spirit of the Constitution and laws of the United States respecting separation of church and state and religious freedom; and that such a list and explanation be placed in the hands of the Executive Committee of this Convention, and be sent to editors of Baptist publications, for wide publicity among our Baptist people.

[Note: The following resolution, adopted unanimously by the Southern Baptist Convention, May 16, 1946, Miami, Florida, was prepared by Louie D. Newton, Atlanta, upon motion of the Executive Committee adopted in Nashville, Tennessee, March 20, 1946.]


WHEREAS, Southern Baptists, in regular convention assembled, beginning at Baltimore, in 1940, have repeatedly and earnestly protested the action of the President of the United States in appointing Mr. Myron C. Taylor as his “Personal Representative” to the Vatican, December 26, 1939, without the consent or approval of the Congress, and in violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, and the Act of the 39th Congress, 1867, forbidding any further appropriation of money “hereby or otherwise” for the support of an American legation at Rome (meaning the Vatican), and,

WHEREAS, This unauthorized and unfortunate and untimely appointment has stimulated and nourished deep anxiety and concern amongst the freedom-loving people in every section of our Nation at a time when we so much desire and need a unified people, and

WHEREAS, The U. S. Embassy staff at the Vatican has been steadily increased, notably following the surrender of Germany, costing the taxpayers approximately $40,000 during the past year, and,

WHEREAS, Our Government in further violation of the Constitution of the United States (See Article I, Section 9) allowed Mr. Taylor to accept the Grand Cross of the Order of Pius, carrying with it the hereditary status of a papal nobleman (See story in New York Times, dated Vatican City, March 11, 1946), and,

WHEREAS, The President of the United States has recently made official announcement of the return of Mr. Taylor to the Vatican as the representative of the President of the United States, with the rank of Ambassador, thus implying an indefinite, and, perhaps, a permanent official representative of our Government at the Vatican, without the consent or approval of the Congress, and in violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, and other provisions of the Constitution and Acts of the Congress, therefore,

Be it RESOLVED, By the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, in session this the 16th day of May, 1946, in Miami, Florida,

First, that we do most earnestly and respectfully protest this unauthorized and unfortunate procedure on the part of our Government, and, further, that we again petition the President of the United States to immediately terminate the appointment of Mr. Taylor, and call home the Embassy stafff at the Vatican, and,

Second, that the President of this Convention be authorized and requested to seek immediate conference with the President of the United States and personally present to him this protest and petition, and

Third, that we do hereby further authorize and request the President of this Convention to associate with him other officers of this Convention and other members of this Convention, if such course be found wise and expedient, in making this representation to the President of the United States, and,

Fourth, that we do hereby authorize and request the President of this Convention to associate himself with spokesmen of other evangelical bodies who have sought or shall seek such approach to the President of the United States in protest of this violation of the Constitution, and this unauthorized and unfortunate disregard of the cherished principle of religious liberty and its inevitable corollary, the complete separation of church and state, and

Fifth, that we, the members of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, in session, this the 15th day of May, 1946, in Miami, Florida, do hereby recommend to the Convention that this action be adopted.

Attested: J. M. Dawson, Acting President
Walter M. Gilmore, Recording Secretary