WHEREAS, The concept of religious freedom and soul liberty is a biblical doctrine of priceless merit and historical value, and
WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has consistently adopted statements expressing its belief in the separation of church and state as a vital protection of religious freedom and soul liberty; and
WHEREAS, There are consistent efforts by many groups, including some religious bodies, to violate religious freedom by seeking the use of public monies for religious institutions,
Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our belief in religious freedom and soul liberty for all men, and
Be it further RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our opposition to the use of public tax funds for religious functions or institutions, and
Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge all our people to practice that biblical stewardship which will adequately support all our Baptist agencies, and
Be it further RESOLVED, That we endorse the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee statement of February, 1969, opposing the appointment of a United States ambassador to the Vatican.
WHEREAS, This Convention has been reminded again of the vital role Baptists played in the formation of the First Amendment, and
WHEREAS, The general statement of the First Amendment protecting the free exercise of religion by the American people is a comprehensive principle, and
WHEREAS, Controversy frequently emerges among us regarding specific freedoms as they pertain to individuals or public officials, and
WHEREAS, The Supreme Court decision of 1962 and 1963 defined the meaning of establishment of religion and did not restrain the free exercise of personal religion but restrained public officials from using their public office for promotion of religious experience,
Be it therefore RESOLVED, By the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting at New Orleans, June 13, 1969, that we request the educational agencies of this Convention, of the state conventions, associations, and local churches to study carefully the contemporary applications of the First Amendment in the situation they face.