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Resolution On Transcendental Meditation

WHEREAS, A movement commonly called Transcendental Meditation (TM) has developed in the United States in recent years; and

WHEREAS, This movement has affinities with Hinduism and encourages practices of a religious nature; and

WHEREAS, Persons associated with Transcendental Meditation have the same right to the free exercise of religion enjoyed by persons associated with traditional religions; and

WHEREAS, Some public schools reportedly provide instruction in Transcendental Meditation, a situation that has provoked at least one lawsuit now in litigation; and

WHEREAS, The No Establishment Clause of the First Amendment forbids Government’s sponsorship, financial support, or active involvement with religion by whatever name called, by whomever conducted, and whatever means propagated, and requires Government to observe a posture of strict neutrality which neither advances nor inhibits religion;

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That we, messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in annual meeting on June 16, 1976, affirm our conviction that the adherents of Transcendental Meditation are entitled to religious freedom but are not entitled to governmental assistance, call on our churches’ members and leaders to be alert to governmental actions which either advance or inhibit religious features of Transcendental Meditation or any other religion; and urge agencies supported by this Convention, and particularly the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, to represent our sentiments in whatever forum issues related to governmental assistance to Transcendental Meditation may arise.