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Resolution On The West Coast Laymans Crusade

The joint effort of the Brotherhood Commission and the Home Mission Board to secure one thousand five hundred laymen in a week-end evangelistic crusade on the West Coast during July, 1964, is recognized by this Convention as a worthy effort to engage laymen in witnessing for our Lord; and

This crusade is commended to the churches and pastors of the Southern Baptist Convention as a challenging medium for laymen to serve in a holy mission for our Lord in a fertile field.

The leadership of the Holy Spirit is prayerfully sought for the laymen who participate, for the cooperating churches and missions on the West Coast and for every word spoken and every contact made in His name.

This Convention recognizes the imperative need for more laymen to join with pastors in a renewed and vital program of personal witnessing at home, throughout our nation and into all the world and join in fervent hope that the West Coast crusade will give impetus to this fundamental Christian activity.