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Resolution On The New Age Movement

WHEREAS, The philosophy proliferated by the New Age movement is as old as the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), where Satan perpetrated three of the false beliefs of the New Age movement, promising you will be wise; you will be as gods; and you will not die; and

WHEREAS, The New Age movement gives people false hope by its beliefs (1) in reincarnation, (2) in endeavoring to reveal a person’s future through astrology, fortune telling, and palm reading, (3) in Universalism, the belief that there are many ways to eternal life, and that all will be saved, (4) by secular humanism, which testifies by its own manifesto, no deity will save us, we must save ourselves; and

WHEREAS, The media and entertainment industry gives the New Age movement widespread acceptance and credibility, helping it find its way into every facet of American life (i.e., literature, movies, television network programming, and music); and

WHEREAS, The New Age movement has become a powerful political, philosophical, and economic force in our contemporary culture and is exerting its influence into every facet of American life.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in San Antonio, Texas, June 14-16, 1988, acknowledge the New Age movement’s aim to become a one-world religion is diametrically contrary to both New Testament Christianity and our American heritage; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we encourage our Convention agencies, local associations, pastors, and church staffs to warn and educate our Baptist constituency of the deception and critical dangers of this movement.