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Resolution On The Crisis In Cambodia


WHEREAS, The people of Cambodia continue to suffer the ravages of starvation, disease, and wholesale death, and

WHEREAS, Life-saving food, medicine, and support services have been severely curtailed due to the political tensions which prevail in Southeast Asia, and

WHEREAS, American public attention, which is indispensable in stimulating and mobilizing relief efforts, has recently been dwindling, and

WHEREAS, The Bible clearly calls Christians to develop and validate their discipleship by feeding the hungry, helping the poor, and ministering to those who suffer, and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists, in efforts to carry out the Great Commission, have consistently sought to minister to people by offering both the cup of cold water for the thirsty and the good news of the “Living Water” through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we commit ourselves to pray regularly and faithfully for healing, freedom, and relief for the Cambodians;

Be it further RESOLVED, That we do all within our power to affect public opinion in raising national and denominational consciousness as to the critical plight of the Cambodians;

Be it further RESOLVED, That we give sacrificially and encourage others to give to help alleviate human hunger in general and Cambodian suffering in particular;

Be it further RESOLVED, That we, as citizens, urge our elected representatives to give prompt attention to the Cambodian crisis, exploring appropriate avenues to remove the barriers which now severely hinder emergency assistance and material from having their desired effect; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage Southern Baptist churches wherever appropriate to help in ministering to Cambodian refugees who have immigrated to our country, remembering the words of our Lord Jesus, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).