WHEREAS, Our churches and missionaries both in the home and foreign fields have availed themselves of the services of the American Bible Society for many years, and
WHEREAS, If the American Bible Society were unable to serve our workers in supplying Scriptures at any price and in any language required, we should be forced to establish a Bible Society of our own at excessive cost to our churches, and
WHEREAS, In the present situation on our mission fields many stations formerly served by the British and Foreign Bible Society must now look to the American Bible Society to supply their Scriptures, and
WHEREAS, Only 144 of the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention made contributions to the work of the American Bible Society in 1941 and their average gifts were but $9.20 per church, and
WHEREAS, It is not expected of any church that it shall make a large gift for this purpose:
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That in order that the Bible may be kept in the widest circulation in these days when the work of missions is so greatly curtailed, we earnestly request the Secretaries of our State Conventions, our Editors, and our Pastors to call these facts to the attention of the churches with a view to the making of a suitable contribution from each church in the Convention to the work of the American Bible Society during the calendar year 1942.