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Resolution On The American Bible Society

WHEREAS, This Convention recognizes, first, that widespread distribution of the printed Word of God is a basic need in mission work around the world, and second, that missionary advance calls for even greater distribution of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, other individual books of the Bible, and shorter Scripture selections, and

WHEREAS, We recognize that the American Bible Society renders an essential worldwide missionary service through translating and publishing the Scriptures without note or comment and through distributing them without profit and usually below cost, and

WHEREAS, We recognize that the American Bible Society is rendering an additional special service through providing, without charge, to the chaplains, Scriptures for distribution to the men and women of the armed forces and to patients in veterans hospitals, and

WHEREAS, We recognize that the American Bible Society, in cooperation with 34 other national Bible societies, is now engaged in a program of worldwide missionary advance, with the theme, “God’s Word for a New Age,” seeking to place the printed Word of God in the hands, hearts, and lives of more people, in more lands, in more languages, and

WHEREAS, The American Bible Society has made an unprecedented contribution to the Christian witness in the widespread distribution of a new inexpensive translation of the New Testament in basic English under the title, “Good News for Modern Man,” and

WHEREAS, The American Bible Society is engaged in gigantic, mass scripture distribution projects in large metropolitan centers such as Atlanta, Georgia, in cooperation with local churches, and

WHEREAS, The American Bible Society is providing special imprinted scriptural tracts for the Crusade of the Americas,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we fraternally urge all our churches and our people to make worthy contributions to the work of the American Bible Society, in order to provide the Scriptures needed for the missionary advance to which we are committed, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we encourage state conventions, associations, and churches to emphasize in their own programs the need for a wider reading and sharing of the Holy Scriptures in our own land and throughout the world.