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Resolution On Thanks

RESOLVED, That our thanks be tendered our Bro. A. E. Atwater, Secretary of the Committee on Hospitality of the Columbus Church, for his especially zeal in looking after the comfort of the delegates and visitors attending the Convention.

RESOLVED, That our thanks are due and are tendered to the young messengers, Masters Thos. Kemp, Willie Carter, Willie Richardson, Charlie McGee, John Atwater, J. Morgan and Krecker Jobe, who have so kindly served us during the sitting of this Convention.

RESOLVED, That the thanks of this Convention are due and they hereby are tendered Rev. S. A. Steel, the pastor of the Methodist Church of Columbus, for the Christian courtesy which we have received at his hands. By thoughtful attentions he has greatly contributed to the pleasure and profit of these meetings.

RESOLVED, That the heartfelt thanks of this Convention are tendered to the citizens of Columbus for their princely hospitality; to the Methodist brethren for the use of their house of worship for Convention purposes; to the Methodists, Presbyterians, Cumberland Presbyterians, Disciples and Israelites, for the use of their houses of worship on the Lord’s day; to the railroad companies for reduced rates, and to the editors of the Dispatch and Index for correct reports of our proceedings.