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Resolution On Temperance And Prohibition

1. That we hereby re-affirm our unhesitating condemnation and our determined opposition to the beverage liquor traffic in all forms.

2. That we urge upon our pastors, churches, our schools and colleges, our Sunday School Board and all other teaching and educational agencies connected with our denominational life, that they be constant and diligent in setting forth the facts as to the evil effects of alcohol in all forms and urging upon our people the necessity for total abstinence from all alcoholic drinks as the wise and proper course for the individual.

3. That we reiterate our condemnation of the liquor license policy of governments, county, state and federal, as an utterly unjustifiable prevision and prostitution of governmental power by which the government enters into partnership with vice and crime through the short-sighted hope of financial gain only in the end to suffer great financial loss and to degrade the morals of its citizens and to produce an increasing caravan of crime.

4. That we shall keep steadily before us as our ultimate objective National Prohibition, either by direct constitutional provision or by legislative enactment, each of which has been embodied in proposed amendments to the Constitution by Senator Morris Sheppard.

5. That the Social Service Commission be and it is hereby authorized as representing this Convention to express its approval of either of the two proposed amendments and to urge its submission by Congress, as the judgment of the Commission and future developments may determine.