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Resolution On Summit Peace Conference

The collapse of the Summit Conference has brought the world to another grave crisis and momentarily darkened hopes for peace. We believe that this crisis emphasized the need for Christian patience in negotiating for peace.

We believe in the ultimate triumph of goodness, love and truth and in the power of God as an everlasting Protector to rule his world. We therefore re-assert that our hope of escaping war rests upon spiritual foundations. Men must undergo moral regeneration if they are to perfect the means of making peace.

We call upon our fellow Christians to rededicate themselves to the ideals of peace on the terms and conditions of Jesus Christ. We resolve not to allow fear to suspend our reliance upon the processes of Christian diplomacy as practiced by those who acknowledge the Prince of Peace.

Further, we invite people of every faith and nation to share this pursuit of a just and enduring peace as the children of God and members of one human family.