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Resolution On Second Class Mailing Costs

WHEREAS, The United States Postal Service provides a vital and unique function in the communications field, one that can not legally or practically be competed with or substituted for, and

WHEREAS, The distribution of newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals is heavily, if not totally, reliant on the Postal Service, and

WHEREAS, There is a scheduled increase every year in second class postal rates under which these publications are mailed, increases which are dramatic, approximating a total of 45 percent during 1978 alone, and

WHEREAS, An increase of considerable size is anticipated within the next month, and also other substantial increases are expected in the years ahead, and

WHEREAS, This directly affects denominational publications, especially the Baptist state papers, bringing special hardships on them as non-profit periodicals, and

WHEREAS, There is no substitute for the Baptist state papers in inspiring, informing, and enlightening Southern Baptist church members, and

WHEREAS, The substantial and dramatic annual increases in second class postage are running multiple times ahead of the President’s suggested guidelines for annual cost of living increases.

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention, in annual session in Houston, Texas, June 12-14, 1979, respectfully ask President Carter and members of Congress to request the Postal Service Rate Commission to hold all second class postal rate increases within the cost of living guideline figure announced by the President.