The Committee to whom was referred the communication from the Southern Presbyterian Church, touching the desecration of the Sabbath day, submit the following;
We have considered the subject of the communication and recommend that the Secretary of this Convention reply to the same, assuring that body,
First. That we in common with all law-loving, law-abiding, and Christian people, deprecate the widespread desecration of the Sabbath, as a day of physical rest and spiritual culture, and hail with pleasure all proper efforts to secure a better and a more general observance of the day.
Second. That when the proper time shall come we will recommend our people to unite with all law-abiding citizens in seeking, as citizens’ for such legislative enactments as will guarantee to all classes of society, the Sabbath as a day of recreation; and will give such protection as will enable all who may desire on that day to worship in forms and ways of their own choosing without hinderance or molestation.
W. C. McCall, Chairman