II. Referring to the resolution submitted by the Ministers Baptist Conference of St. Louis in connection with the agitation looking toward the probability of having a representative of this government sent to the court of the Vatican, we affirm that it is the sense of the five thousand and more messengers in session of the Southern Baptist Convention, representing three millions of white Baptists, that it is contrary to the true spirit of Americanism and to the traditions of the American people to foster or favor any union of Church and State, or to confuse the distinct functions of these two divinely authorized institutions. Therefore, we express the hope that Congress and the Executive Department will lend no ear to the suggestion to have this government represented in any official way at the Roman Vatican or any religious or ecclesiastical organization.
We hereby instruct our Secretaries to forward a copy of this report to the members of the Congress and Senate of the United States, to the President, Secretary of State, and Presiding officers of the Senate and the House.