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Resolution On Regarding Our Convention Officers

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists have reached new peaks of attainment in evangelism, missions, stewardship, fellowship, and membership, and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are being used of God through the processes of a spiritual democracy and a dedicated leadership, and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are blessed of God in the caliber of leadership we have had and now have in the persons of our current officers: Owen Cooper, president; James E. Coggin, first vice-president; George W. Bullard, second vice-president; Clifton J. Allen, recording secretary; W. Fred Kendal, registration secretary; and Porter W. Routh, treasurer.

WHEREAS, Owen Cooper has rendered singularly outstanding service as our Convention president, continuing his life-long practice of winsomely, forthrightly, creatively representing our Lord Jesus Christ, not only in the affairs of our denomination but also in the halls of government and the power structures of industry, and

WHEREAS, Owen Cooper is representative of the dynamic laymen across the denomination who are ready to use their imagination, their resources, and their energy for the good of our churches and the glory of God.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That this 116th session of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Portland, Oregon, June 12-14, 1973, (1) give thanks to God for the leaders He has given us, (2) encourage further involvement of the laity in the life and witness of our churches, and (3) convey to our Convention officers our gratitude for their noble service and our confidence in their Christian leadership.