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Resolution On Radio Sermons By Dr. Truett

In view of the spiritual needs of America in these crucial days. And,

In view of the power of Radio as a medium of preaching the Gospel of Christ and thus influencing the spiritual life of the nation.

In view of the tremendous ability of Dr. Geo. W. Truett as a preacher of the Gospel by Radio as well as otherwise, and further in view of the wide acceptability of Dr. Truett to all people of the nation in his messages.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED:

1. That Southern Baptists approach the management of the Nation-wide Broadcasting systems with the suggestion that Dr. Truett be invited to preach a series of ten sermons to the nation by Radio, on ten consecutive days or nights.

2. That Dr. R. Q. Leavell, L. R. Scarborough, W. W. Hamilton, together with two members of the Radio Committee be appointed to carry out the plan of these resolutions.


Since the Annual Church School of Missions has been recognized as a most effective method of promoting all Kingdom work fostered by our great Cooperative Program and always results in a spiritual awakening and increased giving by our people, RESOLVED:

1. That we endeavor to carry this movement to our 25,000 churches as soon as possible.
2. That for the proper coordination of our work all denominational agencies be urged to cooperate in this Movement.
3. That 1,000 new Church Schools of Missions be our goal for next Convention year.
4. That these Schools, when practical, precede the Every-Member Canvass in our churches and immediately precede or follow the annual revival as a method of enlistment.
5. That all our agencies be urged to secure subscriptions to our missionary magazines, Home Missions and The Commission.
6. That state papers be requested to publish these resolutions.