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Resolution On Race

4. In view of the increasing acuteness of the race problem within the nation, and especially in the South, and the danger which crouches at our doors, that we shall be guilty of unchristian attitudes and actions, we recommend that the Convention reaffirm and lay upon the hearts of the Baptists of the South the resolutions adopted at the 1941 Convention, as follows:

“(1) That we reaffirm our deep and abiding interest in the welfare of all races of mankind, and particularly our deep and abiding interest in the welfare and advancement of the Negro race, which lives in our midst to the number of some ten or eleven millions.

(2) That this Convention would urge the pastors and churches affiliated with the Convention, and all our Baptist people, to cultivate and maintain the finest Christian spirit and attitude toward the Negro race, and to do everything possible for the welfare of the race, both economic and religious and for the defense and protection of all the civil rights of the race.”


In view of the appalling spiritual need for an adequately developed ministry for the vast and perilously neglected Negro host within the bounds of our Southern Baptist Convention and due to the clear indication of Providence that this is the opportune time to move forward more aggressively and on a wider scale in the help to this worthy and highly strategic cause of ministerial education for Negro Baptists, therefore be it resolved:

First, that the Convention go on record as reaffirming our loyalty and increased cooperation with the American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville, and

Second, that it give its vote of approval of the work of a large group of brethren of both the white and Negro races in and around New Orleans, who have in view the imperative local and regional needs projected on the basis of local self-support and with an interracial faculty and trustee organization such a school as under Divine Providence has greatly helped already in the better equipment of a considerable number of local pastors during the seven years of its existence.

Third, that the Convention thus express its approval on this local effort as a worthy missionary project as is evidenced by its rapid growth, reaching a matriculation of over two hundred students last year; also, by the fact that it has unified the seven Negro Baptist Associations numbering a constituency of over a hundred thousand Negro Baptists; and further, by its ability to attract and hold the sympathies and cooperation of the white Baptists of New Orleans who have contributed through their churches liberally for several years to its support; and further, by the approval it has received by the Baptists of the state of both races, substantially expressed through their state organization and by many prominent leaders of the National Baptist Convention and of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Finally, that we commend the Baptist Bible Institute for the large part it has taken in Negro Education through this missionary project which grew directly out of its own missionary activities and has been largely supported by a large number of its graduate student instructors who serve every year on the faculty, along with a number of Negro teachers who give their services sacrificially for a salary scarcely more than nominal.

May 11, 1944.

Signed by Volunteer Committee:

Duke K. McCall Courts Redford
Claud B. Bowen Chas. W. Daniel
W. H. Knight Louie D. Newton
W. O. Carver R. S. Jones
T. L. Holcomb Ellis A. Fuller
E. D. Head Thos. V. McCaul
J. Wash Watts E. P. Alldredge

Signed by Faculty and Trustees:

C. Chas, Taylor, President of Union Seminary
Geo. W. McWaters, Dean of Union Seminary
B. Jolicoeur, Vice-President & Trustee
P. W. Raphael, Chairman Finance Committee
L. L. Scharfenstein, New Orleans
J. W. Shepard, President Emeritus
R. H. Whittington, Secretary of Board