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Resolution On Prayer

RESOLVED, That it becomes us as a religious body, assembled to transact business intimately connected with the welfare of Zion, the destiny of immortal souls, and the glory of God, solemnly to acknowledge our utter helplessness, and the necessity of attending to all our deliberations under the influence of the divine sentiment, “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.”

RESOLVED, That before the final vote upon questions of vital importance, (and at such other times as may be deemed suitable by the body,) the business of the Convention shall be suspended, and prayer offered up to Almighty God, for the special guidance of his Spirit.

RESOLVED, That it becomes the duty of every member of this Convention, in view of the vastly important subjects which claim our consideration, and the momentous results, either injurious or salutary, which may be expected to flow from our present course of action, to cultivate an humble, serious and devotional frame of mind; to look constantly to God for the abundant and powerful influences of his blessed Spirit, that we may be enabled to prosecute our deliberations with christian courtesy, gentleness and love; that nothing may be done through strife and vain glory; that the honor of the great Head of the church may lie very near our hearts, and that we may be enabled to act in harmony, and in accordance with the divine will.

RESOLVED, That it be recommended to all the churches in the bounds of this Convention, to observe the Monthly Concert of Prayer for the revival of genuine religion, and the success of the gospel throughout the earth; and that collections be taken up at their meetings to aid these objects.