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Resolution On Prayer

WHEREAS, It is evident that there is universal need of a spiritual awakening today; and

WHEREAS, All spiritual awakenings come as a result of earnest, fervent, believing prayer; and

WHEREAS, The Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has revived the Department of Evangelism; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention in annual session convened, endorse a Convention-wide prayer-covenant, this covenant to become effective immediately upon the adoption of this resolution; the prayer to be for a deeper and stronger faith in each individual Christian life, resulting in a complete surrender of our lives to the Master’s cause; that Christ’s people shall be so filled with the Holy Spirit that a worldwide revival shall be the result; that God shall put within our hearts a burning passion for lost souls and that we shall heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and go forth under his leadership to win souls for Christ.

Furthermore, in order that all who enter into this covenant might be praying at the same time, let those who observe Eastern Standard Time, pray at 10:00 a.m., those in the Central Time zone, pray at 9:00 a.m., those in the Mountain Time zone at 8:00 a.m., and if there be any in the Pacific Time zone, at 7:00 a.m.

Furthermore, that our Fraternal Messenger to the Northern Baptist Convention advise that body of this action, and invite them to join with us in this covenant to pray.–Glen Eric Wiley, Florida