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Resolution On Population Explosion

WHEREAS, God has blessed us with the knowledge and skills of medical science for the benefit of mankind, and

WHEREAS, Overpopulation and the threat of mass starvation is posing an increasing problem in many parts of the world, and

WHEREAS, It is the responsibility of parents to determine the desirable size of families and the spacing of children so as to provide adequately for them as well as for the well-being of the parents, *changes according to the times, and

WHEREAS, The Biblical concept of marriage teaches sexual companionship of husband and wife, the procreation of children, the worth and dignity of a human life,

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention commends to those married couples who desire it and who may be benefited by it, the judicious use of medically approved methods of planned parenthood and the dissemination of planned parenthood information.

*Resolution amended to have this line deleted.