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Resolution On Personal Witnessing

WHEREAS, In recent years, it has taken more than thirty Southern Baptists an entire year to lead only one person to Christ; and

WHEREAS, In recent years, about 5,000 Southern Baptist churches during an entire year have been unable to lead a single person to Christ; and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists can do better; God expects us to do better; and, the need is urgent.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 14-16, 1983, urge all Southern Baptists to make a commitment to endeavor immediately to lead one person to Christ.


WHEREAS, The Los Angeles area has been selected as the site for the 1984 Summer Olympics, July 28-August 12; and

WHEREAS, The Summer Olympics have not been scheduled in the United States since 1932 and probably will not return for at least several years; and

WHEREAS, This event will involve approximately 14,000 athletes from 151 countries of the world, along with thousands of other associated with the teams; and

WHEREAS, The number of visitors from the United States and abroad will likely number one million per day for these events; and

WHEREAS, These persons present an unusual opportunity for Christian witness and ministry which has immediate worldwide implications.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June 14-16, 1983, commend the work of the Summer Games Ministries Steering Committee, California Southern Baptists, and others involved in planning these ministries.

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we encourage Southern Baptist individuals, churches, associations, other state conventions and agencies to support the Summer Games Ministries by praying for the ministries and by leading individuals and mission groups from the churches to participate in the ministries.